In this course we will be exploring the Mahayana where we are invited to broaden our aspiration for personal liberation into liberation from suffering for all sentient beings.
In that spirit we will be looking at a rich variety of methods of how to bring benefit to others. Helping others lighten their load of suffering and ultimately freeing them from the causes of suffering.
Letting go of our self-centred attitudes and engaging in the vast and profound methods of benefiting the world and the beings in the world.
This course is especially directed towards students who have some study of the Intro course and Hinayana course under their belt as we will pick up from where we left off and use some terminology from previous classes. However even if no prior study has been done the course is still open to anyone interested in Mahayana or interested in things like developing a gentle mind filled with love, kindness, compassion and wisdom.
You will need to purchase the publication following along the course.
The binder and Mahāyāna 80 € + porto.
Please note that you will need to order the study material in advance. You will get the choice to order the texts in English or in German.
Please order the material latest August the 6th by ordering through:
For ordering study materials in the Netherlands, please use this current website and add the binder to your cart.
If you have any questions on ordering the materials, please contact
The material can also be ordered from Nalandastore in Seattle (due to import tax this is only recommended if you live in USA):
Kristina Bischoff has been a student of Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche since 1999. She is a trained Practice Instructor in the Nalandabodhi tradition, teaches singing Songs of Realizations as well as online meditation courses for beginners and has been facilitating the Nalandabodhi study courses for almost a decade. Kristina is also a professional singer, choir director and radio journalist who lives in Hamburg, Germany.
Christian Scott has been a student of Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche and Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche for over ten years and has also been studying at Nitartha Institute for Higher Buddhist Studies for nine years. From birth Christian has been around Khenpo Rinpoche and the western student group and has been travelling around the world doing meditation retreats and study intensives. He only stays in one place for a few months at a time and is currently in Denmark with his family.
Guest teachers: We are so lucky that 5 senior students and karunikas from the Nalandabodhi Sangha has agreed to help teach this course, namely Veronique Faucheur, Brigitte Lause, Sebo Ebbens, Chris Moon, and James Vitale.