Vajrayana study group


This Vajrayana study group will be starting the 27th of January at 10 am and continuing for 16 Saturdays each second Saturday and each class will be 3 hours.
There will be no classes in July. The study group will continue 10th of August.

The study group will be translated into German.

Sugested offering: 160 euro.
If you cannot afford the sugested amount please offer what you can.

Offering for translation is most welcome.

The classes will be recorded and available on moodle for the participants.

NB: For this study group following prerequisites is required: One should be a student of DPR or one of the lamas, having studied the intro, hinyana, mahayana course, and have started Ngondro on the practice path. Please confirm this to Andreas Fosdal on email: Please also state the name of your practice instructor. When we have the needed information we will send you the information on how to order the materials of the study group.



The Vajrayana Study group is a continuation of the walkthrough of the Nalandabodhi study curriculum. So far, the Introduction, Hinayana and Mahayana courses have been completed and now we have arrived at the Vajrayana which is the vehicle for those who wish for a swift path, an easy path, and a path where you do not have to give up appearances or sense pleasures.

Vajrayana is the Buddhas most powerful and swift teachings. The Buddha did not teach these instructions in a public setting but privately to students who were ready. The instructions that lead to full awakening, Buddhahood, in one life, in one body. These are the rarest practices, the most precious. They have been passed down through the enlightened lineage masters of India and Tibet all the way from the Buddha to present day masters. These practices are what the Mahasiddhas of India and the masters of Tibet such as the King of Yogis Milarepa used to achieve full awakening in one lifetime.
These teachings wake the student up from the nightmare of Samsara. Gently if possible, and if not then with a bucket of water. Once you have been awakened with a bucket of water there is no urge to push the snooze button of samsara anymore.
If the other vehicles were to be likened to a bike or a car, Vajrayana is like a jet plane. The student is like the new pilot learning to fly the plane and the Guru is like the instructor teaching us how to fly. If flown properly there is no faster vehicle, if flown carelessly there is no greater danger than crashing in a vehicle like this. For this reason, for the safety of the students and facilitators alike, this course is restricted to those who meet the requirements for the sake of making these teachings as safe, beneficial and powerful as possible.


Kristina Bischoff has been a student of Dzogchen Pönlop Rinpoche since 1999. Around the same time, her teacher introduced her to the Songs of Realizations as well as to the source of their recent translations and melodies, Khenpo Tsültrim Gyamtso Rinpoche. These days, Kristina is a board member of Nalandabodhi Germany and lives in Hamburg. It’s where she started to facilitate NB- study classes in the mid 2000s. She also works as a Choir director, singer and music journalist.




Christian Scott has been a student of Dzogchen Pönlop Rinpoche since 2011. Growing up amongst the Khenpo Tsültrim Gyamtso Rinpoche Sangha Christian finds himself humming Milarepa´s Songs of Realization regularly. Since 2012 he has been traveling around the world learning Tibetan as well as studying and meditating on the dharma.

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